Friday, October 30, 2015

Who Am I

Verse 1
       C           G               Am
Who am I? That the Lord of all the earth,
      G               F           G               F     
Would care to know my name, would care to feel my hurt,
       C           G                  Am
Who am I? That the Bright and Morning Star,
      G                   F           G              F 
Would choose to light the way, For my ever wandering heart,
    Am               G       F                      G
Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done,
    Am                   G         F                  G
Not because of what I've done, but because of who You are,


C      G              Am           G              F 
I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow,
  G                  F                             C
A wave tossed in the ocean (ocean), a vapor in the wind,
          G                Am                 G                 F 
Still You hear me when I'm calling, Lord, You catch me when I'm falling,
           G             F 
And You've told me who I am.. 
I am Yours.

Verse 2

       C           G                Am
Who am I? That the eyes that see my sin,
      G               F         G             F   
Would look on me with love, and watch me rise again,
       C           G                     Am
Who am I? That the voice that calmed the sea,
      G                    F         G                 F    
Would call out through the rain, and calm the storm in me,
    Am               G       F                      G
Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done,
    Am                   G         F                  G
Not because of what I've done, but because of who You are,

Chorus Again

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Australia trip=Ama

My study tour to Australia 2015

I had a wonderful time and had benefited a lot from my study and stay in Australia. My classes at the University had helped me improved my English skills and learned many things about the culture and society in Australia. Through my home stay life I was able to experience the daily life style of people in Australia which is different from us here in Japan.
First, I will write about what I had learned through the classes in Australia: The classes were, Listening & speaking, reading & writing, culture, team building and drama class. All the classes were very interesting and the teachers were very good and kind. In listening and speaking class we were able to practice speaking a lot and improved our TOEIC listening skills. In reading and writing class we learned the technique for speed reading like skimming and scanning especially in reading magazines and newspapers, then we learned to write our original story, picture book and also to write report for the newspaper, I really enjoyed the classes. Culture class was my favorite because I like learning about different cultures. In this class we were taught about the history, multicultural and life style of the people in Australia especially the Aboriginal people, culture and their teaching. It was very interesting and I've learned a lot from them. In team building class we did many activities that helped us understand each other’s Idea and did things together. I also enjoyed drama class, we had many performances and created our own drama too. In addition, we also had sport class once a week and we were able to enjoy Australian sport like cricket, catch ball and net ball etc.
Second, about my home-stay life: my home-stay family was very good, kind and understanding. I was able to adapt immediately to their life style, may be one of the reason was because my host mother is Indonesian so we had an Asia way of life and food. I was happy because I could go to church with my host mother every Sunday, It was a great opportunity for me to meet new people, to pray together and interact with them. I also joined many other activities with my host mother like, Bible class and sharing, Choir practice, social gathering etc. Therefore, I had many opportunities to meet many other foreigner living or studying in Australia because Australian society is a multicultural society. People from different countries, cultures and religions living together in peace and harmony, I was very much impressed and inspired by this way of life. I think this is what we all should learn to live with other people and culture. The culture festival in Toowoomba helped me experienced the multicultural society in Australia. People in Australia are not caught up just in work but they have time to spent with their family and relax.  
Lastly, about optional tour: I didn't go for many optional tour except Brisbane trip which was very good, we went to the zoo and was able to see many types of Australian animals like, Kangaroo, Koalas, Emus and so on. I also visited many places, parks, an Art gallery close by in Toowoomba. I enjoyed and had great time.
To conclude, I am happy and very pleased that I had been given this opportunity to experience life in another country that had enriched my knowledge not only in English Language but also broaden my thinking and views about the richness of life. I had learned so much from Australia, the people and cultures and I hope that I can make use and share my experience with others. I`m sure it will be useful for my future life and work too. I feel that my expectation and my purpose to opt for this study tour has been fulfill, though I found many differences from what I thought but I was able to adapt and accept what was different and learned from them that had change my way of understanding things and accept them as they are.

I Thank and praise God for His blessings and being with me always:

Thank you so much.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Lord's My Shepherd - Stuart Townend

(It's perfectly possible to just play a normal A chord instead of the Asus4 and 
the A7 but it sounds much better with them in!)

Asus4: x02230

D                       Asus4    D
THE LORD’S MY SHEPHERD, I’ll not want.
                   G        Asus4 A7
He makes me lie in pastures green.
            G      Asus4  A7    D   G
He leads me by the still, still waters,
    Em          Asus4 A7 D
His goodness restores my soul.

D                   Asus4 D                 
And I will trust in You alone.
                    G     Asus4 A7
And I will trust in You alone,
         G       Asus4 A7 D       G
For Your endless   mercy  follows me,
     Em            Asus4 A7 D
Your goodness will lead  me home.

D                    Asus4    D
He guides my ways in righteousness,
                  G         Asus4 A7
And He anoints my head with oil,
       G      Asus4 A7 D        G
And my cup, it   overflows with joy,
  Em           Asus4 A7 D
I feast on His pure  delights.

D                     Asus4   D
And though I walk the darkest path,
                    G    Asus4 A7
I will not fear the evil one,
            G        Asus4 A7   D       G
For You are with me, and   Your rod and staff
        Em        Asus4 A7 D
Are the comfort I need  to know. 

I love this song it`s very inspirational thank you

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Good Friday prayer!

Good Friday prayer!

Oh my Jesus,
They handed you over to be crucified
to the Roman soldiers who never know you
They stripped you and cruelly tortured you
They clothed you in a purple cloak
Twisting a crown of thorns and forced it into you head
Lord, How painful it must have been!
They insulted you as king of the Jews
They gave a blow and spat on you
They knelt down pretending to worship you
They pulled off the purple cloak and put back your cloth
Lord, How insulting it must have been!
The Cross was so big and so heavy
You felt down under it so many times
And still they go on striking you
You sweated blood and water
Your beloved ones wanted to offer you just water to drink
But they pushed it down to the ground
Lord, how terrible it must have been!
As you reached Golgotha (Calvary)
They offered you wine mixed with gall
Then they stripped you and nail you to the cross
The nails that pierce your hands and feet
are too harsh and painful to bear
And while you were hanged on the cross
They shared your clothes by casting lot
with the insulting words and mocks and pretending wishes
But you have nothing against them
You prayed for them saying,
`Father forgive them for they know not what they do`
You are so faithful to the Father’s will and plan,
That you suffered and died for the salvation of all
you are glorious and victorious over sin and death
Through your Resurrection!
Thank you Jesus, 
All this is because of your faithful love to me
Have mercy on me and on the whole world.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Christian Hymns with Lyrics and Chords: Strong and Constant (is My love)

Christian Hymns with Lyrics and Chords: Strong and Constant (is My love):                        I G      D                            C              G I will be Yahweh who walks with you, G        ...

Friday, February 27, 2015


No journey is all smooth and easy.There are stones, thorns, roadblocks.There are people and vehicles that block our way or keep us back.

Obstacles are part of any life.No use expecting life to be a picnic.We were not put on this earth to have an easy life.No, we were placed here by Providence to meet challenges, find answers, make new paths, and light up dark alleys.How boring life would have been if everything had been easy!How thrilling life can be if we make it an adventure where inner strength masters timidity,where love wins over hatred, and
creative goodness turns arid human deserts into fertile gardens and hope.


Taken from the book! 
A radical love, A path of light
by Fr. Joe Mannath SDB

Monday, February 16, 2015

God is always watching at us

God is always watching at us
When we go away from him
He's there waiting for our returns
When we repent back to Him
He's There welcoming us with Love

God is always Caring us
When we come to Him, with a grateful hearts
He rejoices and fills us with graces
When we come to Him, with a heavy heart
He fills us with joy and strengthen our faith

God is always protecting us
When our journey is in danger and fear
He says, fear not for I am with you
When our lives is in grief and distress
He soothe our hearts and give hope

God is always forgiving us
When we lose our faith in Him
He sent His only Begotten Son to save us
When we have sin against Him
He is filled with compassion and have mercy on us

God is always loving us
And loving us till the ends of days