Friday, February 27, 2015


No journey is all smooth and easy.There are stones, thorns, roadblocks.There are people and vehicles that block our way or keep us back.

Obstacles are part of any life.No use expecting life to be a picnic.We were not put on this earth to have an easy life.No, we were placed here by Providence to meet challenges, find answers, make new paths, and light up dark alleys.How boring life would have been if everything had been easy!How thrilling life can be if we make it an adventure where inner strength masters timidity,where love wins over hatred, and
creative goodness turns arid human deserts into fertile gardens and hope.


Taken from the book! 
A radical love, A path of light
by Fr. Joe Mannath SDB

Monday, February 16, 2015

God is always watching at us

God is always watching at us
When we go away from him
He's there waiting for our returns
When we repent back to Him
He's There welcoming us with Love

God is always Caring us
When we come to Him, with a grateful hearts
He rejoices and fills us with graces
When we come to Him, with a heavy heart
He fills us with joy and strengthen our faith

God is always protecting us
When our journey is in danger and fear
He says, fear not for I am with you
When our lives is in grief and distress
He soothe our hearts and give hope

God is always forgiving us
When we lose our faith in Him
He sent His only Begotten Son to save us
When we have sin against Him
He is filled with compassion and have mercy on us

God is always loving us
And loving us till the ends of days