Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Good Friday prayer!

Good Friday prayer!

Oh my Jesus,
They handed you over to be crucified
to the Roman soldiers who never know you
They stripped you and cruelly tortured you
They clothed you in a purple cloak
Twisting a crown of thorns and forced it into you head
Lord, How painful it must have been!
They insulted you as king of the Jews
They gave a blow and spat on you
They knelt down pretending to worship you
They pulled off the purple cloak and put back your cloth
Lord, How insulting it must have been!
The Cross was so big and so heavy
You felt down under it so many times
And still they go on striking you
You sweated blood and water
Your beloved ones wanted to offer you just water to drink
But they pushed it down to the ground
Lord, how terrible it must have been!
As you reached Golgotha (Calvary)
They offered you wine mixed with gall
Then they stripped you and nail you to the cross
The nails that pierce your hands and feet
are too harsh and painful to bear
And while you were hanged on the cross
They shared your clothes by casting lot
with the insulting words and mocks and pretending wishes
But you have nothing against them
You prayed for them saying,
`Father forgive them for they know not what they do`
You are so faithful to the Father’s will and plan,
That you suffered and died for the salvation of all
you are glorious and victorious over sin and death
Through your Resurrection!
Thank you Jesus, 
All this is because of your faithful love to me
Have mercy on me and on the whole world.